In September 2024, we were approached by the Museum of Discovery (MOD.) at the University of South Austrlia to design and manufacture a prosthetic uterus for an upcoming convention, run by the WHO. It was extremely ambitious, to feature a prop fetus, lights, electronic displays and be able to be worn comfortably, with only a little over a month to create something very unique. With the large amount of aspects of this prop that needed to come together, we decided to handle all of the design and printing of the overall prop, and MOD. would handle the sourcing of the prop baby, resin pouring, electronics, wiring of the electronics and the harness.

We were provided a series of concept images and while trying to determine what clear cover to use, I decided that blow molding acrylic sheet would be best. It is extremely strong, transparent and can create really natural looking curves. During this time I noticed the ‘BB’ from Death Stranding was the perfect size and it would save a lot of time to use this one instead of 3D printing one, so MOD. ordered one in, and the design process began around that size.

Prosthetic uterus concepts
Version 1 of the design
Determining the correct size and position it should sit

Shortly after a test print to confirm the size, the harness and electronics came in, and they were far bigger than expected, so a redesign was needed. With the prop expected to weigh around 3kg at a minimum, this needed to be extremely strong. Walls were thickened out, strengthening pegs placed throughout and a very thick supporting bracket on top. A key consideration in this prop, like all of my props, is ease of assembly and disassembly. The prop was designed to be modular, held in with screws and bolts with no glue so if anything needed to be changed, it was quick and easy to do with a screwdriver.

Version to of the prop
Wearing the frame
Cover installed, waiting for pro baby to be encased in resin and then the frame would be bolted together

The prop was then delivered to MOD. who added the extras, and the prosthetic uterus was on it’s way to Manila, ready to display at the Museum of Health Futures, at the WHO Western Pacific Regional Office. Start to finish in a little over a month.

Completed prosthetic uterus
Completed prosthetic uterus
Prosthetic Uterus, designed in collaboration with MOD. at The University of South Australia, for a WHO convention
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