Daniel Brown LinkedIn Email is my preferred contact method, please copy and paste or use the direct link, ensuring not to miss the ‘j’ in the middle.
Mobile: 0415 246 775. I travel for consultations regularly and may not be able to answer all calls but I will return all missed calls ASAP.
Hours: 24 hours, 7 days.
I am based in Ridgehaven, in the North-East of Adelaide. Feel free to visit my workspace and I can demonstrate the technology to you in-person.
Click here to read the full Terms and Conditions of using 3D Prototypes and Models.
For all correspondence and to place an order, please email me directly at at the above email or call me however email is preferred. While this business is a small team, I personally manage all interactions with clients so you always know who you are contacting. I am connected online at most times and answer emails very regularly. I operate all day, every day although if I miss a call or take a few hours to see an email, it is most probably because I am in consultations or delivering a print. You can send an email through in .STL .OBJ .3DM .DWG .DXF format as my various software read this however .STL is preferred. I can quickly come up with a quote depending on the size of the object by judging exactly how long it will take me to build, calibrate, post-process and my own costs.
For custom designed parts, please send through as many details as possible and images of the item you want. I can never have too many reference images. It will take some time for me to estimate the design time but I will strive to get back to you as soon as possible.
For laser cutting please contact me to discuss file types as this will often require conversions.
- Colours
I aim to always have a wide variety of colours in stock with a large supply of white, black and grey for large pieces while also stocking red, green, blue, orange, yellow and clear. If you need pieces a very specific colour, I have a large amount of spray paint colours in stock and do this for free, even if you need a colour I don’t already own, I will go and buy it. If you need metallic finish paints though there will be a surcharge applied.
- Testimonials
The key to this business is the degree of personal interaction I give with all of my works. I do everything in my capability to make sure people get what they want and need and our customers appreciate the distances we go to. Below are some testimonials from repeat buyers who have found our service particularly useful. We take my work very seriously and I believe when it comes to making your visions a 3D reality, having the customer and the service provider both personally invested in your projects will make a world of difference. We want to create something that you will have no trouble recommending to your friends and colleagues.