We are partnered with suppliers of industrial grade SLA resin, SLS nylon, Polyjet and Metal 3D prints. We can provide customers with the absolute best quality possible with 3D printing using stereo-lithography, selective laser sintering and polyjet technology. 3D prints from these methods achieve the best possible accuracy, resolution and layer height of any 3D printing technology and is capable of absolutely any design with a perfect surface finish on all sides. These technologies can all achieve significantly greater strength with a nicer surface finish than plastic and are recommended for high performance applications. Prints can feature threaded holes, pre-assembled gearboxes and any interlocking or functional designs without needing to be assembled after printing.
- SLA resin is used for absolute maximum detail using UV cured resin, able to handle the finest of details with layers so fine, you can rarely tell it was 3D printed at all. Industrial grade SLA beyond the desktop machines opens up more possibilities with high temperature resistance resins and significantly larger scale, up to 600x600x600mm.
- SLS nylon is used for maximum strength, environmental resistance and scales incredibly effectively at large volume where it can often become cheaper than printing in plastic if repeating a small shape dozens, up to hundreds of times. Useful for medical and aerospace fields, SLS nylon is the material of choice for end-use products designed to simulate solid molded pieces in terms of strength. SLS does attract a high minimum set up fee of up to $100 however I can often negotiate that to $0 by combining orders.
- Polyjet technology is the gold standard in 3D printing, able to print in a myriad of materials and colours at the same time, allowing you to simulate rubber, plastic, resin and more, all in a single print. Polyjet is by far the most expensive of all plastic and resin 3D printers and used for specialist applications only. The ability to simulate various shore hardness types of rubber is fantastic for designing seals.
- Metal 3D printing was previously prohibitively expensive, but generic powders over proprietary materials have dropped the price dramatically. We can supply aluminium and stainless steel metal 3D prints. Metal 3D prints will not exhibit the same high strength as a solid metal piece however they are many times stronger than the strongest nylon and have extremely high heat resistance.
Prints from SLA resin, SLS, Polyjet and metal 3D printing technology attract a higher price due to the more expensive materials and machinery required to make the parts. Industrial grade 3D printing often features high minimum set up fees and significant lead times but within our network of suppliers, we regularly negotiate very heavily discounted start up fees by combining customer orders which also allows us to negotiate faster lead times and more through our volume of work.